We write & design your email marketing for you
Gorgeous and engaging weekly email marketing templates for small service-based businesses, coaches and personal brands by Your Social Team
* early pricing for the first 100 members. Waitlist gets first dibs!
Social media alone is not cutting it anymore.
Start being consistent with email marketing and see more sales in your business.
You know you need to get serious about email marketing, but you don’t know what you could possibly write week after week…
Don’t worry. We got you. Every month we will send you customizable weekly email copy and Canva graphic/images to go along with it!
Compatible with any email marketing platform and easy to use!
POV: you’ve been ignoring your email marketing and you find a membership that provides simple, weekly email templates for your small business.
That feeling when you can get in front of your audience without having to fight a scroll of endless videos and ever-changing algorithms 😎
What you get when you join 👀
When you join Your Inbox Team membership, you will get our Starter Kit, with two options of copy for your welcome email, as well as 10 gorgeous designs of headers and footers Canva templates for your newsletter
Each month you get copy for weekly emails, to nurture, add value and promotional promote your business to your audience. Our email templates are easy to customize filling the blanks and send to your audience
The email templates come with accompanying images/graphics you can customize with your colors and photos in Canva to make your emails look amazing and easier to read, whether it’s opened on desktop or mobile